3 – 1.0 + visual design document + website beta

Checkpoint Three

Peer evaluation two

(two points, graded separately)

  • Click here to complete your peer evaluation
  • If you do not complete peer evaluations for your peers, you will receive a zero (even if you receive outstanding reviews)

Checkpoint Three Assignments (10 points total / 2.5 points each)


Each of the four items below will be graded according to the following scale.

  • 2.5 points: 🔥 
  • 2 points: 👏 
  • 1.5 points: 👍 
  • 1 point: 😐 
  • .5 points:🤦‍♂️ / 🤦‍♀️ 
  • 0 points: 👻 
0. Presentation
  • 3-5 minutes long
  • Any combination of team members may present
  • Slides are required, and their design will influence your grade
  • You should be clearly rehearsed, and we’ll closely evaluate your presentation skills
  • You should present your app’s visual design, give a live demo of your 1.0, and show off your website beta
  • Unless there’s a technical reason not to do so, demo on device, not on simulator
  • For demoing your 1.0, use a user story / narrative to guide what and how you demo
  • Whenever you show screenshots of your app / website, use device frames for your screenshots to ground the images.
1. 1.0
  • A rough draft of your complete final project. Every screen / interaction / etc. that you anticipate including in your final build should be present in this build in as complete a form as possible. 
  • While your 1.0s will be evaluated during your presentation only, you must also post a copy of your 1.0 to your website to ensure you’re familiar with that process for your final build
2. Visual Design Guide + Poster


  • Your visual design guide will live as a dedicated page on your project website
  • At a minimum, this should include guidelines and reference files for your logo(s), typefaces, and brand colors, but could also include page templates, screenshots, motion graphics, etc.—essentially, everything related to the style of all components of your project
  • Include easy download links for all visual assets in the guide.
  • In addition to the style guide-like elements above, your guide should also include concise discussion of why your team made the choices it did
  • Be sure to include typographic scale (appropriate font sizes / weights for headers, subheads, body, etc., including as necessary variants for web / mobile / print etc.)
  • Include JPEG / PNG / vector (.eps / .ai) versions of your logos in relevant resolutions (hi-res, low-res, etc.)—make it easy for people who don’t know how to handle images to know which variant to use
  • Submit the link your visual design guide with this Google Form and view work from previous semesters here.



  • You will submit two poster versions: 1) 4K Portrait Orientation Version for Digital Marquee 2) Square Version for Social (see requirements below for specific resolutions)
  • Posted to your website AND uploaded as a JPEG to this Google Drive folder.


  • NMI Logo (https://nmi.cool/styleguide)
  • Team member names
  • Project name
  • Logo
  • Semester and Year (Spring 2015)
  • Resolutions:
    • 4K Portrait – 2160 x 3840 px
    • Square  – 2160 x 2160 px
  • A 100px safe zone / bleed area

Good Examples (but not necessarily right resolution)

Optional suggested print dimensions (for booths):

  • 11x14in laminated on Gator Board at Kinko’s for about $10
  • Cheap large prints w/Costco membership
3. Website beta
  • A rough draft of your complete website, made using the templatefrom the Project Website page
  • While not a requirement for the beta, be sure to focus on how your site looks on mobile—this is where the overwhelming share of usage is. You’ll likely need to write / modify media queries to accomplish this.
  • To collaboratively work on your project website site, we recommend storing your site files in a shared OneDrive folder and then coordinating over Slack who’s working on what when (so that more than one person isn’t working on the site simultaneously). Then, only once your site is finished, should you bother with uploading it to the NMI server. (If your group’s comfortable with it, GitHub is of course an excellent option, too.)
4. SLAM Promotion Material
  • Lastly, it’s time to start showing you off! Over the next month, our social team will be communicating your project and team with the world! In order to do this effectively, we need some info from you. Please complete the SLAM Promotion Form. Take your time with these answers. Each answer should be answered well thought out and articulated eloquently.
  • Here are all the items needed to be filled in for the social form:
    • Project Name
      Are you working with a client?
      If so…
      Client Name
      Client Point of Contact Name
      Client point of Contact Email
      Client URL
      Is this an Innovation District Client
      Members of your team
      Team Photo URL
      Website URL
      Logo URL
      Poster URL
      Project Description
      Target User
      Points of Interest (why would people be interested in your project?)
      Anything else you would like to mention
      Project Pitch
      Do you intend for your project to go live?
      Where will your project go live? (Alexa Skill, App Store, Google Play, etc)

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