Project Website

5 points

Your team’s website is your project’s canonical home—long after your semester ends, your project will live on in everlasting gloryon the NMI server. Everything related to your project must be contained therein.

Things to think about:

  • Your page’s first task is to present a clear, concise overview of your project.
  • Be sure to discuss not only what your project is / does but also why it exists.
  • All class assignments must be clearly and optimally presented on your page.
  • Your page should be well-designed, both in terms of aesthetics and user experience
  • Your page must be responsive, displaying well on everything from a 4-inch phone to a 27-inch iMac
  • You might want to link each team member’s image / bio to their LinkedIn page

Your website must be on the NMI server at your assigned URL (ex.:

Project template (download)

  1. Disclaimer: glory not guaranteed to be everlasting, offer invalid in Maine and Rhode Island.
  2. What does optimally mean? Embed your project trailer instead of linking to it; display a reasonably-sized thumbnail of your project poster and other visual assets that, when clicked on, link to a full-resolution version; etc.